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Assigning and Consuming Inventory on a Work Order

Assigning and consuming inventory items on a work order allows you to track work order costs and manage inventory levels.

Assigning Inventory to a Work Order

Assigning inventory items to a work order indicates that those items are expected to be used for that work order.


To assign inventory to a work order:

  1. From the work order, click Inventory: No items assigned to expand the Inventory panel.
  2. Check the box next to the inventory item(s) to assign them to the work order. *Note: If your inventory list is large, or if you know the part number of the item you wish to assign, begin typing the number in the Search box in the top right to automatically filter the list.
  3. Click Assign Selected. This will assign a quantity of 1 for each inventory item selected.



  1. Click the Pencil Icon next to the quantity of an item to edit the amount that is assigned to the work order.
  2. Enter the new quantity in the text field that appears and click the green checkmark to record the change. *Note: To remove assigned inventory items from the work order, click Unassign.


Consuming Inventory on a Work Order

Consuming inventory on the work order indicates that the item has been used to complete the work order and also adjusts the on hand amount.

  1. From the work order, click Inventory to expand the Inventory panel.
  2. There are two ways to consume quantities of inventory:
    • Click Consume 1 next to the item you wish to mark as used. This will consume a quantity of 1 from the assigned inventory item.
    • Alternatively, click the drop down arrow next to Consume 1. This allows for the consumption of a higher quantity by entering the desired amount and clicking the green checkmark to record the change. *Note: To reverse the consumption of an inventory item, click Cancel.
  3. Select the Date next to a transaction and click the new date on the calendar if it needs to be adjusted.
  4. Click Close once all changes have been made on the Work Order.